7# My Monthly Financial Independence Update

The Quick Takeaways

This month savings rate: 56 %

This month leverage: 0 %

Rolling savings rate since February 2016: 58 %

Total value of portfolio: 673.000 DKK (102.600 $)

Years worth of annual expenses: 6.42

% Change since last month: 3,2 % 

So What The F*** Happen This Month

Big things happen this month.

Both good and bad.

I need to reevaluate on how I’m going to write about it.

But I will write about it, that is for sure!

So stay tuned for some juicy blog posts the coming period.

Not Leveraging

One of the (well maybe two) things that happen to me this month made me stop leveraging. Not that I will ever do it in the nearest future. But as things are right now, I will not be doing it.

What I’m going to do is deleverage a little bit. Not that I’m going to pay off my debts. But I will keep the amount on 200.000 DKK (30.000 $) that I have now. And then invest regular in my stocks. By doing that. My stock allocation should increase a bit each month (if the market stays >0%) which means that my 200.000 DKK will be smaller compared to my stock allocation.

I will tell you why I’m doing that in later blog post.

The First 100.000 $ is a Bitch

Believe it or not.

That is a quote from the famous Charlie Munger. He said it in the book Charlie Munger: The Complete investor.

This month I managed to cross that line.

Yes – I still have some debt. But the debt that I have should be working for me, and not against. I’m still young, and that kind of debt is peanuts against to what I can earn in the nearest future.

And statistics says that if I just leave for a long enough time, it will benefit me.

The first $100,000 is a bitch, but you gotta do it. I don’t care what you have to do—if it means walking everywhere and not eating anything that wasn’t purchased with a coupon, find a way to get your hands on $100,000. After that, you can ease off the gas a little bit.

Charlie Munger


Is going down this week.

I can feel as the date come closer, the more nervous/excited I get.

But it is a feeling I’m completely familiar with, because of my rowing.

If you want to participate read the details in the last 6# My Monthly Financial Independence Update.

Blog Posts This Month

My Wife Doesn’t Like FIRE?! Answered by Jacob Lund Fisker

I Will Work Till I Die

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I’m still trying to see if I can make any money out of this blog.

It is not going so well at this stage.

That’s why I have dedicated an entire page to blog sponsors. And you can become the first one for just a single dollar!

Take a look at the page HERE and see all of the awesome benefits you will get!

4 thoughts on “7# My Monthly Financial Independence Update”

  1. Congrats on crossing the magical 100,000 USD mark ?

    I’m quite certain I’ll see you on Friday at the meetup, just gotta get some arrangements in place. Looking forward to it!

    1. HAHA! Unfortunately no, no girl in sight. 🙂

      I will write about why. But I just have to think about how I’m going to present it.

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