9# My Monthly Financial Independence Update

The Quick Takeaways

This month savings rate: 59 %

This month leverage: 0 %

Rolling savings rate since February 2016: 55 %

Total value of portfolio: 721.000 DKK (108.500 $)

Years worth of annual expenses: 6.07

% Change since last month: 3,7 %  (+ 26.000 DKK / + 3900 $)

So What The F*** Happen This Month

  • Savings rate is back to something that seems normal
  • Years worth of annual expense is up again
  • Rolling savings rate has gone up 4%

Two Months of Mini Retirement

I’m two months into my mini retirement.

The first month went by with having a good time in Copenhagen.

Having a good time equals:

  • Seeing friends and family
  • Drinking (too much) beers
  • Renovating my dad’s (and my boat)
  • Doing some brazilian jiu jitsu

One Month of Folk High School

The first month of being at this new school where I would like to improve my sailing skills is gone.

And boy, there is a lot of impressions by being here.

I have already improved my sailing a lot by being here. Everything I know about sailing is something my dad has taught me. My dad is an awesome teacher, but I enjoy learning stuff from other people too. (I have already learned my dad something)

I do feel a bit old though. A lot of the people on this school is between 18-21 years. Which I feared would be an issue for me. Since I’m 28. Everybody is super nice, but I do get tired of playing beer pong third weekend in a row.

Even though I would like to sail more than we do at the moment. I would encourage everyone to try a folk high school (especially for foreigners). It is an awesome opportunity to gain a new skills fast, in a super cosy way where you meet many awesome people.

I pay 6000 DKK/month (900 $) for being here. Which is cheaper than if I just had my regular life back in Copenhagen. I have become a better sailor, awesome and organic food is cooked for us three times a day. And we do not have to do the dishes. It is a huge luxury to be here.

Blog Posts This Month

7 Benefits of Not Having a Mobile

School Project Video on FIRE

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