This the day that I will be leaving for my 10 month long mini retirement in Asia. The last couple of days I have been racing around town to find stuff that I need for the trip. Visiting doctors. Saying “See-ya” to friends and family.
The previous week I ended up in hospital for five days, because I had an infected knee. So know I will be leaving my home country Denmark, while I’m still on antibiotics, but I don’t worry to much about that. Being at the hospital didn’t make the previous days less stressful. My time schedule was already quite ambitious. So staying in bed for five days was far from ideal.
Doing Stuff That Scares Me
For a long time I have been excited to go on this trip. But for the last month is has scared the shit out of me. I often find myself doing stuff that I get so freaking nervous about, and like everyone else. I hate being nervous. But I have come the conclusion that it makes me feel alive.
I was always super nervous when I rowed, but I ended up doing that for 10 years.
Now I find myself competing in brazilian jiu jitsu. Which is even more terrifying than rowing. Because your opponent will try to choke that shit out of you.
And in four months, I’m going to be a skipper of a boat. Sailing in countries I haven’t been in before. With people I don’t know. It scares the shit out of me.
But proving that you can beat the other guys in a rowing boat. Or choking the other guys in BJJ. Or sailing across oceans you haven’t been sailing before. Is to prove to yourself that you are capable of doing things that you didn’t think was possible. And if that doesn’t make you feel alive. I don’t know what will.
Blogging With No Internet?
This blog will be the main place I will make updates on my mini retirement. But there will be periods where you will find me several nauticals miles from shore. Which means. I won’t have any wifi.
Besides that! I will do my very best to keep this blog updated.
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Hej Loui
Har fulgt med på din blog siden jeg så dig i hamsterhjulet. Er 41 år, gift og far til tre dejlige piger, og investerer også i aktier samt forsøger så godt som det er muligt med en familie på 5 at skære ned på ting som ikke er “need to have”.
Ønsker du må få en rigtig fed tur, ville selv ønske jeg havde gjort det før jeg fik familie 🙂
Bedste hilsner fra René
Hej René!
Sikke en dejlig kommentar at få.
Godt arbejde med at prøve at skære ned på forbruget. Skal hele familien nok blive glade for. Hvis ikke nu, så engang i fremtiden.
Mange tak! Det er da ikke for sent. Min far kommer med på vores sigte togt. Det er en sejlads på 62 dage, som starter på Filippinerne, kører forbi Indonesien, og slutter af i Øst-Timor. Han er 59 år. 😉