How To Spend Less, and Still Be Happy

Buying stuff if often something that we find convenient. But there is a difference between really wanting a thing, to really need it. becoming financially independent is more about how little you can live on rather than how much you make. So if you can spend as little as 1000 $/month, you can become financial independent extremely fast.

What we humans is good at is adapting. It is the best gift humans have been dealt, but it can also be the worst thing happening to us. No matter if it is a good or a bad thing we end up adapting to cruising back to happiness level we were at before an event happen to us.

Let’s say that everything is working out perfect out for us. We have no major problems in our life. One day a terrible thing happens to us. Our immediate response is to become sad/mad/angry/depressed. But as times passes by, we cruise back to the level of happiness we were at before the depressing event occurred to us. This is the good thing about adapting. We can lose a leg, but still be as happy when had both of our legs.

Another situation would be if we have an awesome life. Nothing seems to be disturbing us. One day we end up buying a lottery ticket when we went grocery shopping. This happen to be the lottery of a gazillion dollars. Now we are driving around in Lamborghini’s, owning mansions and we are never going to cook your own meal again. Even in this situation we will adapt. We will cruise back to the level of happiness before we won the lottery.

Ever heard of Dan Bilzerian? He is a man who have bought everything imaginable. Here is a video clip of him on why money can’t buy happiness. 

When we realize that chasing material things doesn’t equal to higher happiness. We can settle down. Focus and what actually does bring happiness. And do that.

Happiness is not tied up to money. There is a lot of people happier than we are, owning less stuff than we do. So why trade your expensive time for some money, and use them on stuff that doesn’t give you anything than a short boost. A couple of weeks from the purchase we will at the very same state before we bought it.

The modern system where we go to school, get an education and work for the rest of our lives is not mandatory. And it is time that we break this cycle. We should see our youth to trade your time for money, claim your eternal freedom back. By not spending that hard-earned money. Make your money work for you, and not the other way around.

We don’t have to spend our entire youth doing this. If I had the information I have today, I could have been financial independent before my 25th birthday. Never have to worrying about earning another dollar. And not through starting a huge company, and working my self to death. It would have been by being conscious about what I would spend my money on, saved and invested it.

Some people would call it extreme to work hard, save and invest for a couple of years, living frugal and focus on happiness itself. I call it extreme to buy shit that don’t make us happy, in order to work at a desk for their entire life.

As we say in Danish.

Thanks, but no thanks. Not for me.


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