2# Update: Sub 1000 $

22 days has now passed.

Read about the challenge here.

And read about the 1# update here.

And things are going good.

Sort of.

I did manage to spent a big chunk of my “fuck up money”. And boy, was it a fuck up.

Have you ever heard of couchsurfing.com?

It is a site where you borrow peoples couch when you are travelling. Or you can lend your own couch to a person who needs a place to stay while traveling. For free.

Awesome page!

I thought it was a super good idea to sign up on that page. By doing so I could have some fun company in my apartment, and helping out travelling people. And maybe I could couchsurf when I’m going to travel, to save some money, and meet some local people.

Here comes my fuck up. 

There was different ways on how you can validate yourself.

One of them was doing it by credit card.

Smart, I thought.

But after a couple of hours a receipt arrived in my mail box, congratulated me on my lifetime of verification for 420 DKK (60 $).

God, I felt stupid.

Spending almost a month worth of food on personal verification. No no, can’t do. Not for me.

So I have asked for a refund. 

My Spending

I don’t feel any change in my mood. Even when I spent less than last month. My theory of spending less, and still being happy is proving to be right at this moment.

I managed to spent 475 DKK ( 70 $) since my last update.

Which is quiet alot.

175 DKK (30 $) were spend on food.

And 300 DKK (50 $) were spent on “Fuck ups”

My Spending On Food

Nothing has changed much according to what I’m eating at home.

It is still beans, rice, onions, cheddar, salsa and brocolli.

And I still think it is freaking delicious. I have a mexican thing at the moment.

What I have bought is this:

  • Beans
  • Onions
  • Cheddar
  • Salsa
  • Brocolli
  • Wine

I bought two bottle of wines for me and some friends. To me a happiness equation look something like this:

Friends + (some) bottle of wine(s) = Happiness

It is one of my favourite things to do.

My Spending On Fuck Ups

I went out to eat two times since last update.

One time was with many of my old rowing friends from the national team. We visited one of the guys from the team.

He lives at a dorm where there are +400 students living. And they have a kitchen cooking for them, morning, lunch and dinner.

It is so insanely luxurious, I can’t imagine how painful it must be to move from there.

But we are able to buy a dinner there for 50 DKK (8 $). We had spaghetti carbonara which might be one of my favourite dishes. It is really hard to fuck up pasta, cream and cheese. That combi is god like.

The second time I was eating out, was with a near friend from my rowing club, we really enjoy eating a kebab after a hard rowing session.

We have this awesome place called Durum Bar. It is the best freaking kebab in whole Copenhagen. Big shout out to them!

I eat there way too often.

That dinner ended costing me 50 DKK (8 $) as well.

I also bought a gadget worth 200 DKK ( 35 $ ). Unfortunately I can’t tell you what the gadget is. Sorry for that.

All in all.

Eating out.

2 x 50 DKK (8 $) = 100 (16 $)

Stupid gadget

200 DKK (50 $)

What I Have Left

In the first update I managed to spent 148 DKK (25 $).

And in this update I managed to spent 452 DKK (85 $)

That leaves us with a total of:

452 DKK + 148 DKK = 560 DKK (90 $)

My food and fuck up budget was set to 1200 DKK (200 $)

So that leaves me with 640 DKK (100 $) left for this month

1 $ Sponsor?

If you have a site or a product (or you just want to say hello) I’m willing to offer the first blog sponsor for 1 $. The next one will cost 2 $, and so on.

You will get 50 words + a link for your site. At the bottom of a blog post.

Besides that!

I will make a site called “Sponsors” where your link will be FOREVER!

Wow. That is a huge offer.

Imagine if this blog got really popular, and you were the very first one to become a sponsor. That would be pretty awesome!

Write me at Loui@Wannabewalden.com if you would like to buy the first slot.

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