8# My Monthly Financial Independence Update

The Quick Takeaways

This month savings rate: 0 %

This month leverage: 0 %

Rolling savings rate since February 2016: 51 %

Total value of portfolio: 695.000 DKK (104.300 $)

Years worth of annual expenses: 4.87

% Change since last month: 3,2 % 

So What The F*** Happen This Month

I manage to save absolutely no money this month.

Which is catastrophic to some of the parameters I use.

I didn’t manage to save anything because I have signed up for a sailing folk high school. Where I’m going to stay for the next 3 months.

Yes – I did manage to go from 102.600 $ to 104.300 $ without doing anything. This can still amaze me.


My rolling savings rate from February 2016 to this date went from:

58 % to 51 %.

YIKES! It dropped 7 % because I had one month without saving.

And my years worth of annual expenses dropped from:

6.42 to 4.87.


Last month I would be able to live almost 7 years from now. And this month I’m only able to live 5 years from this date. (Including my leverage)


While it does bother me a. I probably won’t have expenses like this in the future. So it doesn’t make to much sense to include a month like this in my calculations. But I will. It gives me some motivation to save more.

The Reason Why I’m Deleveraging

As the avid reader might knows. I’m not going one but two mini retirements. Said in another way. In 2019 and 2020 I’m going to take 13 months off from work.

First I’m going to a folk high school to sail and have a good time.

And then I’m going to Indonesia and the Philippines to sail again.

This means that I won’t make any money for a couple of months.

Worrying about my leverage while I’m cruising on some of the most exotic oceans in the world, is one of the last things I want to do. If I had the guts, it could probably make sense in the long run (20+ years from now) to leverage more now. But I’m prioritizing peace of mind higher than my portfolio at this stage.

I’m going to keep the leverage I have now. But I will be investing normal, and this means my stock allocation will go up, while my leverage will stay at 200.000 DKK.

+200 European FIRE Blogs

The other day FIREHUB.eu reached out to me.

They wanted to ask me if I wanted to be a part of their site. And I immediately said yes!

FIREHUB have collected +200 european FIRE blogs on one single page.

Including different podcasts, meetups and the list goes on. What they all have in common is that they are from europe.

I would love to meet up with some people outside of Denmark. So it is definitely a site I’m going to keep my eyes on.

Blog Posts This Month

Guest Post – Route2FI

The Minimalistic Way of: Pancakes

Why I Love Going Backward

The Shop Shelves Mentality

Ahoy! Mini Retirement In Sight!

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