Mit aller første fuck up med penge var der jeg blev konfirmeret. I weekenden skal jeg til en nonfirmation. Og jeg har tænkt mig at give ham den gave som jeg selv skulle have haft fra en “rig onkel”, men ikke fik. Det bliver noget så kedeligt som en bog. Men ikke hvilken som helst … Continue reading “Hvad Jeg Giver i Nonfirmationsgave (Som Jeg Ikke Fik)”
Category: Bog Anmeldelser
My 7 Favorite Quotes from Walden
I love old books. And I love timeless books. Walden is both old and is more relevant than ever. Henry embraces solitude, simple living, and nature. And living in a society where we compare ourselves with the biggest and most beautiful houses and the fastest cars. Just one cm behind that façade where everything seems … Continue reading “My 7 Favorite Quotes from Walden”
Quit The Rat Race
A new short (danish) documentary about quitting the rat race and living a simple yet prosperous life. Pssst.. I have a small part in it. Click here to watch it!
I was approached by three awesome journalist students who would like to make a video about people living on a low budget. And here is the result! I think its super cool!
Cut the Period You Reach FIRE in Half, Book Review
I have never read a book from cover to cover before I turned 21 years. But reading since then has change my life radical. Being able to learn from the best minds in this world is something I love. A book can be distilled knowledge from people who have researched a topic their entire life. … Continue reading “Cut the Period You Reach FIRE in Half, Book Review”